Office of the Dean Research
University of Kashmir
Ext: 2010, 2011, 2091
Dean Research's Message
Contact Us
Research Policy
Research Policy
Dean Research
Duties and Functions
Research Unit
Orders/Notices/ Circulars
Fee in two installments
Revised Fee Structure
Fee to be deposited within one month
Ph.D degree awarded in the subject in which scholars has done his/ her Masters Degree
Enhancement in number of Scholarship
exemption from payment
latest scholarship notification
Circular regarding admission of JRF / NET / SET to Integrated Ph.D / M.Phil - Ph.D programme.
Notification regarding M.Phil qualified scholars
latest M.Phil - Ph.D, I-Ph,D statues
Plagiarism check of dissertations in case of Scholars Pursued M.Phil from outside universities
Consideration of GATE qualified candidates for Scholarships
circular regarding uniform policy for nomination of experts for evaluation of dissertation / thesis
Documents required for issuance of academic clearance
latest M.Phil - Ph.D / I-Ph.D Statutes 2018
Projects Unit
Staff Members
Projects and Programmes
On going projects
Under Submission Projects
Completed Projects
Special Assistance Programme SAP
FIST Programme
Prestigious Fellowships and Fellows
Ramalingaswami Fellowship
Ramanujan Fellowship
Energy Bioscience Overseas Fellowship
SERB Bank Details
Cancelled Cheque
TSA Annexure
Mandate form
Schemes under which funding is provided by various funding agencies
Project Guidelines and Financial Rules
guidelines for project implementation
J&K Purchase Guidelines
Guidelines for Consultancy Projects
DSIR Exemption Certificate
Entry Tax Exemption Notification
Manual for Procurement of Goods
Overhead charges
Check List
Other services
Faculty Services
Proforma for Bank Account details
Form for attending conferences, seminars, workshops, etc within India
Form for attending conferences, seminars, workshops, etc outside India
Scholar Services
Research Progress Assessment Format
Fellowship Claim Form
Application Form for Grant of Extention-Re-registration-Change in title etc.
Format for issuance of Minimum Standards and Procedures (MSP) Certificate
Prior to 2009
After 2009
Declaration of Originality in language subjects
one page format for Synopsis
Deputation Forms
J&K Bank form for payment is made other than J&K Bank
UC format as per GFR 2017
Fellowship Claim Form
Board of Research Studies (BORS)
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2017)
School of Applied Sciences and Technology
School of Arts
School of Biological Sciences
School of Business Studies
Dean School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
School of Law
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2019)
Minutes of BORS in School of Arts (Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in School of Business Studies(Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in CCAS (Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in School of Applied Sciences (Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in School of Earth & Environmental Sciences(Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in School of Education (Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in Iqbaliyat (Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS in School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences(Year 2019)
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2020)
Minutes of BORS in School of Arts (Year 2020)
Minutes of BORS in School of Social Sciences (Year 2020)
Minutes of BORS in School of Biological Sciences (Year 2020)
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of Applied Science & Technology (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of Biological Sciences (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of Business Studies (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of CCAS (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of Education (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in Kashmir Studies (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of Earth & Environmental Sciences (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS in School of Social Sciences (Year 2021)
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Social Sciences (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Applied Science & Technology (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Arts (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Biological Sciences (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Earth & Environmental Sciences (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Education (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Law (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS in School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences (Year 2022)
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2023)
Minutes of BORS in CCAS (Year 2023)
Minutes of BORS in School of Arts (Year 2023)
Minutes of BORS in School of Business Studies (Year 2023)
Minutes of BORS in School of Business Studies ( November Year 2023)
Minutes of BORS in Kashmir Studies (Year 2023)
Minutes of BORS in School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences(Year 2023)
Minutes of BORS and approved topics held in various Schools (2024)
Minutes of BORS in school of Physical & Mathematical Sciences
BORS Minutes for Education 2024
BORS Minutes for Social Sciences 2024
BORS Minutes for Physical & Mathematical Sciences 2024
BORS Minutes for Earth & Environmental Sciences 2024
BORS Minutes for Business Studies 2024
Submission of Expenditure Bills/Fellowship Claims; Dated: 12-3-2025
Notification for Ph.D admissions Even Semester February 2025 in SLIET Longowal under Ministry of Education; Dated: 24-2-2025
Circular regarding CSIR monthly claims; Dated: 21-2-2025
Submission of Expenditure Bills upto 28-02-2025; Dated: 14-2-2025
Uploading of Equipments and Instruments on Departmental Website; Dated: 11-2-2025
Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Kashmir, Srinagar; Dated: 29-1-2025
Annual Research (PH.D) Calendar-2025; Dated: 17-1-2025
Clarification regarding Category-4 (S.No.1) "NET appeared Score on pro rata basis" for Ph.D admission Cycle-II November-2024; Dated: 5-12-2024
Gandhian Young Technological Innovations Awards,2024; Dated: 16-12-2024
Notification for Admission to Ph.D Programme, Cycle II, November-2024; Dated: 29-10-2024
Submission of bills in respect of Research Projects by end of Feb, 2025; Dated: 19-9-2024
Participation of Research Scholars in NEP Orientation & Sentization Programme.; Dated: 28-8-2024
Revised Kashmir University Annual Research (Ph.D.) Calendar-2024;; Dated: 9-8-2024
Government of India (GOI) Fellowship for Doctoral Work in Police and Correctional Services; Dated: 9-7-2024
Notification for information of all those eligible applicants who have applied for Ph.D admission vide notice No:F (Ph.D.Adm.)Res/KU/24 dated April 30,2024; Dated: 27-5-2024
Notification regarding Interaction for all the applicants who have applied for Ph.D Admission (Main & Satellite Campuses) Session-2024; Dated: 20-5-2024
Notification for Admission to Ph.D Programmes-2024; Dated: 30-4-2024
Kashmir University Annual Research (Ph.D.) Calendar-2024; Dated: 26-4-2024
Nomination of Two Faculty Members as Members of Joint Monitoring & Ccordination Committee (JMCC) as per MoU with UOK; Dated: 24-4-2024
Recognition of Institute of Technology (IOT), Zakura Campus as Research Centre for carrying out Research programmes.; Dated: 19-4-2024
Comments/Observations made by the University Council meeting held on 20-03-2023; Dated: 4-4-2024
Circular-3 regarding copies of the project Sanction Letters issued by the respective Funding Agencies for the last five (5) years under Projects/Schemes viz, 2019-2023 by or before 9th of April,2023; Dated: 3-4-2024
Circular regarding existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) laid down by the UGC, IT Department ,and other Govt.Agencies on the dissemination of contents on institutional website and the proper screening of Research Projects/Thesis, in pursuance of the HEI.; Dated: 29-3-2024
Circular regarding information for Ph.D Vacancies; Dated: 2-4-2024
Conduct of Viva-Voce for Ph.D Programmes; Dated: 28-2-2024
Information regarding the University Fellowships granted to the registered Ph.D Scholars; Dated: 27-2-2024
Expenditure Reforms-streamlining of Expenditure in University during March, 2024 are hereby requested to submit expenditure bills completed in all respects by or before 15 March, 2024; Dated: 26-2-2024
Arrears of Post Doctoral/Doctoral Fellowships; Dated: 29-1-2024
J&K Institute of Management, Public Administration & Rural Development (J&K IMPA& RD) Research Internship Programme; Dated: 24-1-2024
Copies of the Project Sanction Letters issued by the respective Funding Agencies for Last Five Years under Projects/Schemes Viz, 2019-2023 by 20 January, 2024 for onward transmission to the concerned quarters; Dated: 19-1-2024
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institutes Bi-national Agri-Cluster Workshop, February 22-23, 2024 TNAU, Coimbatore; Dated: 12-1-2024
Workshop Title Integrating Machine Learning and Al for Biologists; Dated: 1-1-2024
Final submission of RPAC by the scholar; Dated: 3-1-2024
Sponsoring of R&D projects under the scheme sponsored Research and Extension of JKST⁣ Dated: 30-12-2023
Circular; Dated: 30-12-2023
Call for proposals for India-Taiwan joint Research Projects to be conferred in 2024.; Dated: 30-12-2023
To facilitate research activities on time as per the statutes; Dated: 29-12-2023
Notice regarding submission of Ph.D thesis as a soft copy in PDF format; Dated: 28-12-2023
NET/JRF-JUNE-2023 SESSION under NFOBC Scheme result has been declared; Dated: 22-12-2023
INSPIRE: North East States & UT of JK & Ladakh Student nomination to SCTIMST; Dated: 13-12-2023
Extension Notification for Deposition of Entrance Fee for Admission to Ph.D Programme-2023; Dated: 25-11-2023
DSIR, GOI, all the Principal investigators of the projects are requested to provide copies of the project sanction letters issued by the respective Funding Agencies for last five (5)years under Projects/Schemes viz, (2019-2023) within two or three days for onward transmission to the concerned quarters; Dated: 22-11-2023
Notification for Admission to Ph.D Programmes-2023-2024; Dated: 17-11-2023
Entrance Test Notification for Admission to Ph.D Programme-2023; Dated: 15-11-2023
WISE-SCOPE Fellowship Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology; Dated: 14-11-2023
Online Research FDP "Scale Development and Validation" 18 November 2023 (10:00AM -1:00PM); Dated: 13-11-2023
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Young Research Fellowship 2023-2024 6-Edition (TERRE POLICY CENTRE); Dated: 6-11-2023
Provisional admission of 08 candidates to M.Phil programme in Clinical Psychology; Dated: 1-11-2023
DSTs Call for Project Proposals Under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) Application Assistance-15-October,2023; Dated: 17-10-2023
International Youth Competition of Scientific, Scientific-Practical and Science Fiction Works "Horizon 2100"; Dated: 12-10-2023
Illumination Talk by Renowned Scientist Professor Satajit Rath, Professor of Biology, ISSER PUNE Tilte,"Vaccines & Nobel Prizes:Science, Technology & Public Health at Auditorium, Department of Biotechnology 12-October at 11:00 AM; Dated: 9-10-2023
Circular regarding submission of Bills/fellowships within the stipulated time of period; Dated: 7-10-2023
7 Days Online Workshop on Advanced Genomic Analysis and Annotation; Dated: 3-10-2023
Seminar at Leh on 05-06 Oct 2023 :Historical Perspective of Ladakh:Crossroads of Civilisations"; Dated: 25-9-2023
9th International Conference on Global Business Environment; Dated: 13-9-2023
SHASTRI INDO-CANADIAN INSTITUTE: Announcement of Programmes 2023-24; Dated: 13-9-2023
UGC approved and HRDC equivalent short term professional development programme on NEP 2020.; Dated: 4-9-2023
The fee structure for All India Quata (AIQ)- Under Graduate and Post Graduate seats of ASU & H courses should be at par with state Quata seats for the A.V.2023-24 and onwards-reg; Dated: 31-8-2023
UGC approval and HRDC equivalent short term professional development programme on NEP 2020: Quantitative methods for research analysis and data visualization(through online mode); Dated: 31-8-2023
Hackathon 3.0 Competition at CSIR-IIIM (Br.) Srinagar; Dated: 28-8-2023
DSTs Sophisticated Analytical and Technical Help Institutes (SATHI) Grant Application Assistance-Last date 31/08/2023; Dated: 23-8-2023
Application deadline extended for FNVC program to September 18,2023; Dated: 23-8-2023
DR D C Pavate Memorial Fellowship in Cambridge; Dated: 23-8-2023
Possible inclusion of your institute as PMRF Granting institute in the proposed Phase 2 of PMRF project; Dated: 18-8-2023
Invitation for a research proposal for Asian Productivity Organization’s Productivity Analysis Series; Dated: 18-8-2023
Please Share This Webinar Opportunity With Your Students; Dated: 18-8-2023
6th World Congress on Disaster Management (WCDM 2023) Dehradun, Uttarakhand - Call for Papers.; Dated: 18-8-2023
Invitation for a research proposal for Asian Productivity Organization’s Research on the Informal Economy and Productivity Growth; Dated: 17-8-2023
Notice for Registration for the 53rd Interactive Session on Awareness Raising for Researchers on August 24; Dated: 17-8-2023
Request for More Details about Green University Award 2023 at 7th NYC Green School Conference 2023; Dated: 16-8-2023
R&D Grants Information August/September 2023; Dated: 16-8-2023
Invitation for Collaboration Opportunities with American Universities at the7th NYC Green School Conference in New York; Dated: 16-8-2023
New Version of Anveshan: Student Research Convention 2023; Dated: 16-8-2023
Obtain Acknowledgement of Dropped out intimation under PhD Scheme: Phase II; Dated: 16-8-2023
Puducherry Technological University-HYBRID conference-Call for Papers for “IEEE Second International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence & Communication (IEEE ICACIC 2023)" on 7th and 8th December 2023; Dated: 7-8-2023
Call for papers I ABDC & UGC care listed Journal I International Conference; Dated: 7-8-2023
Notice for The National Academy of Sciences, Indio (NASI) DAE Convention Centre, BARC, Mumbai; Dated: 31-7-2023
Notice regarding revised timeline for SFMP portal; Dated: 25-7-2023
DSTs Science and Technology Innovation Hub-Application Assistance-Last date 31/07/2023; Dated: 25-7-2023
Call for Papers – SJCC MRR Journal, December Issue, 2023; Dated: 20-7-2023
Application of Intent for Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)- Young Designers Awards (YDA); Dated: 21-7-2023
2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications (ICARTI 2023); Dated: 19-7-2023
SHASTRI INDO-CANADIAN INSTITUTE: Announcement of Programmes 2023-24; Dated: 11-7-2023
To conduct Workshops/ Webinars for seeking grants from Govt agencies; Dated: 11-7-2023
National Movement for Net Zero-CarbonNeutral Campus- in 75 Universities; Dated: 28-6-2023
MIC & ACITE KAPILA-Funding opportunity for patents-Registration Open for KAPILA 2023-24 (Phase I) submit applications by 18-July -2023; Dated: 22-6-2023
Special Call for Short-Term Empirical Research Projects 2023-24 (Indian Council of Social Science Research); Dated: 22-6-2023
Institutional Biosafety Committe (IBSC) Meeting of the University of Kashmir has been scheduled on 27-June-2023; Dated: 22-6-2023
Extension in the submission of online applications for Ph.D programme-2023; Dated: 30-5-2023
Invitation to Participate in JKST&ICs Sponsored R&D Projects & Innovation Exhibition; Dated: 26-5-2023
Two Week Faculty Development Programme "Advance Research in Management Education" at NDIM, New Delhi (22nd May - 3rd June, 2023) (Offline Mode); Dated: 25-5-2023
Schedule of Call for Proposal 2023-24 by Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology; Dated: 25-5-2023
Extension and creation of vacancies notification for admission to Ph.D programme 2023; Dated: 17-5-2023
SERBs Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science (EMEQ) Scheme grant- Application Assistance-Last date 14th June 2023; Dated: 17-5-2023
Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for hosting ISRO-Space science and Technology AwaReness Training (START) programme; Dated: 17-5-2023
Invitation to contribute your research paper in J.ISAS; Dated: 17-5-2023
Two Week Faculty Development Programme "Advance Research in Management Education" at NDIM, New Delhi (22nd May - 3rd June, 2023) (Offline Mode); Dated: 16-5-2023
Nehru Specialist Program Announced; Dated: 12-5-2023
Department of visual communication/ Mass Communication , Mother Teresa Womens University is organizing two day international conference on 15-16 June 2023; Dated: 9-5-2023
Regarding signing of MOUs by UNICEF with states without approval CPAP; Dated: 4-5-2023
Details of Expenditure against Advance Withdrawals by J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council; Dated: 3-5-2023
Invite to submit Manuscript: Engineered Science Publisher, USA; Dated: 4-5-2023
Notice: Individuals who have research proposals that require Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) clearance; Dated: 27-4-2023
Admission Notification for Ph.D programme Session 2023; Dated: 25-4-2023
Announcement 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research, ICRABR 2023, SSS-NIBE, Kapurthala; Dated: 24-4-2023
R&D funding grant opportunities available for the months of March/April 2023; Dated: 6-4-2023
SERB Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA) Research Grant-Application Assistance-Last date 11-04-2023; Dated: 6-4-2023
Virtual Fulbirght Outreach Program on Fulbright Fellowships- Information Session on April 3, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm.; Dated: 3-4-2023
National Tuberculosis Elimination programme(NTEP); Dated: 29-3-2023
Opportunity to the Researchers to write technical paper articles for possible publication in the Journal "Sarvekshana"; Dated: 27-3-2023
Notice; Dated: 23-3-2023
Notification for admission to M.Phil programme in Clinical Psychology-2023 at Government Medical College Srinagar; Dated: 15-3-2023
Clubbing and processing of various invoices of same supplier through GeM portal by generating single WDC on BFMS; Dated: 15-3-2023
Questionnaire on Empowering Young Scientists of India; Dated: 13-3-2023
Latest Issue of RPM-NDIM; Dated: 10-3-2023
Urgent Notice for publishing Research Journals; Dated: 8-3-2023
AIU Webinar on Quality and Impactful Publications; Dated: 8-3-2023
Circular for DBT sponsored projects; Dated: 3-3-2023
Tata Transformation Prize/Application deadline -March 2023; Dated: 27-2-2023
Research Vacancies position/strength for PH.D Programme; Dated: 16-2-2023
Cirular regarding participation in one day International Conerence on New Horizon in Drug Discovery and Development Process- Registration thereof.; Dated: 9-2-2023
Nomination for NAMS Academic Awards-2023; Dated: 7-2-2023
IIAP; Dated: 30-1-2023
Promotional display of MBA admissions 2023 poster, IIT Kanpur.; Dated: 1-2-2023
Notice for Inflibnet Centre has Developed an integrated e-content portal "Vidya-Mitra"; Dated: 25-1-2023
International Research Symposium Shodh Shikhar 2023; Dated: 17-1-2023
7th ICACDS 2023 @ Brainware University, Kolkata, India; Dated: 16-1-2023
NFST fellowship verification for the year 2022-23; Dated: 25-1-2023
Scholarship for postgraduate /PhD/Postdoctoral Studies Abroad /JN Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship 2023-24; Dated: 24-1-2023
Workshop Alert! - R Programming & Plotting; Dated: 19-1-2023
DSTs Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) Grant Application Assistance-Last date 20/02/2023; Dated: 18-1-2023
7th ICACDS 2023 @ Brainware University; Dated: 10-1-2023
Inviting Application for BAYER Fellowship Program; Dated: 10-1-2023
Inviting Application for BAYER Fellowship Program; Dated: 10-1-2023
Notice for Upgradation from JRF to SRF fellowship; Dated: 4-1-2023
Call for Nomination for SASTRA-GNR Ramachandran Award; Dated: 2-1-2023
Advertisement for inviting applications under National Fellowship for higher education of ST Students for the year 2022-23; Dated: 30-12-2022
Applications are invited for ICPS Research Associate Programme (ICPS – RAP) from Indian citizens initially for a period of two years; Dated: 28-12-2022
Reminder for DST Scheme regarding refund of unspent balance to CNA as per new guidelines; Dated: 27-12-2022
Notice regarding expenditure reforms streamlining of Expenditure in University; Dated: 22-12-2022
Notice regarding settlement of accounts as per new guidelines under Department of science and Technology (DST Umbrella); Dated: 21-12-2022
Notice regarding settlement of accounts as per new guidelines; Dated: 15-12-2022
Circular regarding facing some problem with regard to generation of bills; Dated: 6-12-2022
Conduct of Entrance Test Notification for admission to Ph.D programme 2022; Dated: 1-12-2022
ICT Services for Online Programs; Dated: 22-11-2022
Most Urgent Utilization Certificate of grants released under MRP Scheme for the settlement of Accounts; Dated: 15-11-2022
HEST(Higher Education Scholarship Test) 2023; Dated: 15-11-2022
Khuda Bakhsh Library Research Fellowship; Dated: 15-11-2022
Extension notification for deposition of Entrance Fee for admission to PhD programmes-2022; Dated: 10-11-2022
submission reminder for the section 7.3 (patents published and granted during the annual calendar year 2020 and 2021); Dated: 10-11-2022
Kashmir Expo-Startup for Livelihood w.e.f 9-11 November, 2022 at SKICC, Srinagar participation thereof.; Dated: 7-11-2022
Publication of Reports /booklets in respect to Research Projects/ Surveys sponsored by JK Science, Technology & Innovation Council; Dated: 2-11-2022
Extension notification for deposition of Entrance Fee for admission to PhD programmes-2022; Dated: 31-10-2022
NASI 92nd Annual Session of NASI and Symposium on December 4-6,2022; Dated: 28-10-2022
55th IWWA Annual Convention 2023-Call for papers; Dated: 25-10-2022
Entrance Test notification for admission to PhD programmes-2022; Dated: 21-10-2022
Invitation of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Fellowship 2022-23; Dated: 19-10-2022
Advertisement for Junior Research Assistant (JRA)/CST, UP-funded project/ CSE, IIT(BHU); Dated: 13-10-2022
CPRG-Social Sciences Research Grant 2022 (call for proposal); Dated: 6-10-2022
Notice; Dated: 14-9-2022
Most Important/ Urgent to all PIs for Major Research Projects for Utilization Certificate (UC) of Grants Released under UGC Major Research Project (MRP) Scheme for the Settlement of Account; Dated: 2-9-2022
Advt for Research Associate position in DBT/WT India Alliance funded project; Dated: 30-8-2022
Implementation of New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI); Dated: 29-8-2022
TSI MIDTERM CONFERENCE 2022, SKIMS, Srinagar; Dated: 23-8-2022
Application are invited for filling up of three posts of Scientist F at SSS-NIBE, Kapurthala; Dated: 25-8-2022
SICI Program grant announcement 2022-23; Dated: 18-8-2022
Coordination for climate concerns; Dated: 17-8-2022
Opening of Zero Balance Account of Canara Bank, ICICI Bank, Bank of Maharashtra; Dated: 11-8-2022
Circular for opening of new Bank Account with Zero Balance with Canara Bank NMHS; Dated: 11-8-2022
Call for Entry-Popular Science Story for AWSAR Award; Dated: 10-8-2022
JK Higher Education Department-Innovation Fest-2022; Dated: 5-8-2022
Promotion of Technology and Innovation Support Center(TISC); Dated: 5-8-2022
Proforma-FIST-2022; Dated: 4-8-2022
Regarding Submission of the Documents/ Finalization of the SAP Account; Dated: 29-7-2022
Semesterwise payment confirmation for NFSC Scholars; Dated: 28-7-2022
Regarding request for a Virtual outreach on Fulbright-Nehru and Fulbright Kalam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship on July 23, 3.00pm to 4.30pm; Dated: 25-7-2022
Circular for submission of JRF /MANF documents upto tenure period/ submission of thesis whichever is earliest; Dated: 20-7-2022
Submission of Utilization Certificate of Grants Released under UGC Major Research Project (MRP) scheme; Dated: 19-7-2022
Invitation for hands-on Training program; Dated: 19-7-2022
Intimation about Revised Guidelines for the Release of funds towards Institutes /Universities; Dated: 14-7-2022
Special Call for Proposals Under the Scheme “Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence” (PURSE-2022); Dated: 13-7-2022
Provisional admission of candidates to M.Phil programme in Clinical psychology; Dated: 30-6-2022
Revised Guidelines for the release of funds towards Institutes/ Universities; Dated: 30-6-2022
Submission of Utilization Certificate of Grants Released under UGC Major Research Project (MRP) scheme; Dated: 30-6-2022
Proposal for Workshop on How to Publish Scholarly Books & open Access with Taylor & Francis; Dated: 29-6-2022
Request for nomination of candidates for appointment to the Director, NERIST, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh; Dated: 29-6-2022
One day workshop on the "Revival of Fish products , Scope of Nadroo at Tagore Hall, Gogji Bagh, Srinagar; Dated: 29-6-2022
Free online workshop on IPR-Patents, Design process; Dated: 29-6-2022
Notification for PhD admission for the current session shall be governed by the processor laid down in previous statues; Dated: 23-6-2022
Notice for admission to exempted candidates such as JRF, WOS , INSPIRE with fellowship; Dated: 21-6-2022
Notice regarding list of exempted candidates for admission to PhD programme; Dated: 17-6-2022
Principal Investigator (PI) of the Major Research Projects; Dated: 19-5-2022
Extension Lecture series at Cluster University; Dated: 6-6-2022
Notice for extension to PhD Admission upto 10/06/2022; Dated: 6-6-2022
NITIE Mumbai has been designated as the nodal institution; Dated: 1-6-2022
Nomination for Training of Junior and Middle Level Biomedical Scientists / Teachers; Dated: 1-6-2022
Circular related to admission to JRF prog. in Indian Institute of Geomagnetism; Dated: 1-6-2022
South Asia Biosafety programme; Dated: 26-5-2022
Circular for extension of six months upto 31-12-2022 for submission of thesis; Dated: 27-5-2022
Notice for Extension of Date for PhD Programme upto and including 06/06/2022; Dated: 25-5-2022
Notification for Admission to PhD Programme in CIRI-2022; Dated: 24-5-2022
Explore potential partnership to submit the joint proposal to IDRC under the Climate Adaption and Resilience (CLARE); Dated: 23-5-2022
Announcing the QUAD Fellowship; Dated: 24-5-2022
Invitation - National Workshop-cum-Webinar on Genome Editing; Dated: 19-5-2022
Available vacancies for admission to PhD prog in the Deptt of Social Work is 05 instead of 01; Dated: 19-5-2022
Conduct the MPhil /PhD Viva-voce examination through Offline / Online; Dated: 17-5-2022
Homi Bhabha National Institute , Mumbai (HBNI) Invites Applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor; Dated: 11-5-2022
3rd Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2022); Dated: 12-5-2022
Admission notification for PhD Programme for the session-2022; Dated: 11-5-2022
Submission of UC of Grants Released under Major Research Project scheme of UGC; Dated: 9-5-2022
circular regarding relaxing of period for grant of scholarship upto 31-03-2022.; Dated: 26-4-2022
Call for Nominations for Indira Gandhi Prize for Popularization of Sciences 2023; Dated: 20-4-2022
Extension of last date for submission of project proposal under science & Tech Prog Scheme of Ministry of Mines on SATYABHAMA Portal; Dated: 18-4-2022
Announcement by Ministry of Mines inviting Science and Technology Project Proposals on SATYABHAMA Portal for FY 2022-23 till 15.04.2022; Dated: 6-4-2022
Ministry of Mines-Invites Science and Technology Project Proposal-Application Assistance-Last date 15/04/2022; Dated: 6-4-2022
CPRG-IKS Research Grant 2022 (call for proposals); Dated: 5-4-2022
Fellowship opportunities for students as "Swachhta Saarthi Fellowship (SSF)-20-22; Dated: 28-2-2022
Call for Applications for Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright fellowships for AY 2023-24; Dated: 21-2-2022
SERB-Special Call for Proposals Application Assistant; Dated: 18-2-2022
Notification regarding residency period in case of part-time Ph. D candidates; Dated: 17-2-2022
Circular; Dated: 14-2-2022
Circular for submission of claim under project/ schemes is extended upto 20/02/2022; Dated: 10-2-2022
SERB Startup Research Grant (SERB-SRG) and Core Research Grant (SERB-CRG); Dated: 8-2-2022
Reminder I for implementation for EAT module; Dated: 7-2-2022
Online National Web Portal I-STEM listing all the scientific /technical/analytical /research equipment/facilities procured with the public funds in academic and R&D Laboratories across the country; Dated: 31-1-2022
NOTICE; Dated: 27-1-2022
British Council Scholarship for Women in STEM; Dated: 27-1-2022
Award of DR.APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship for PhD scholars in the field of Cooperation; Dated: 13-1-2022
Circular for Award of BSR fellowship to Research Scholar falling under the school of Biological Sci.; Dated: 13-1-2022
Award of Dr. A P Abdul Kalam Scholarship alongwith scholarship form; Dated: 11-1-2022
Inter University Research Competition-Shodh Shikhar -2022; Dated: 31-12-2021
Implementation of EAT module on PFMS at University of Kashmir; Dated: 30-12-2021
Circular for submission of bills by or before 31/01/2022; Dated: 27-12-2021
Entrance test notification for Ph.D programme; Dated: 15-12-2021
Call for application for fellowship, Grant & SEED Support for startups and innovators; Dated: 15-12-2021
circular regarding BAAC; Dated: 15-12-2021
Extension in deposition of entrance fees for Ph.D programme; Dated: 8-12-2021
Notification for Ph.D Entrance test 2021; Dated: 23-11-2021
Circular regarding Chemicals , Consumables, Glassware etc through GeM portal; Dated: 23-11-2021
Re-constitution of GATI Self Assessment Team (GSAT); Dated: 22-11-2021
45th Indian Social Science Congress; Dated: 17-11-2021
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies: Visiting Fellowship and Visiting Research Fellowship Programme and Scholarship; Dated: 16-11-2021
Invitation of nominations forHAryana Vigyan Ratna and HAryana Yuva Vigyan Ratna Award; Dated: 6-10-2021
TA/DA rules for project staff; Dated: 18-10-2021
Urgent Reminder for International Seminar Documents (ICSSR); Dated: 12-10-2021
Notice for all PIs for submitting UC/SoE along with Bank Statement; Dated: 12-10-2021
Communication received from Manoj Pant, Secretary, National Foundation for Communal Harmony; Dated: 12-10-2021
Nomination for Hari OM Ashram Senior Scientist Award, PRL Award and Buti Foundation Award; Dated: 12-10-2021
Notice for purchase of glassware, chemicals etc through GeM portal; Dated: 11-10-2021
Admission of Exempted candidates to Ph.D programme 2021; Dated: 15-9-2021
Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education; Dated: 9-9-2021
Meetings under the chairmanship of Dean Research stand postponed till 31 August 2021; Dated: 16-8-2021
Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST) for the year 2021; Dated: 13-8-2021
INSA SERB Essay Notice; Dated: 10-8-2021
INSA SERB Essay rules; Dated: 10-8-2021
Notice for KU Research Bulletin; Dated: 10-8-2021
Documents required for issuance of academic clearance; Dated: 6-8-2021
Circular for all PIs /Project Directors/ Coordinator/ Research fellow; Dated: 5-8-2021
Term of RPAC and Observers of DRCs; Dated: 4-8-2021
Submission of documents (Audited consolidated UC/SOE) for settlement of accounts under SAP scheme; Dated: 2-8-2021
Admission of JRF qualified candidates for Research Programmes; Dated: 20-7-2021
Notice regarding exempted and non-excepted candidates; Dated: 6-7-2021
Notice regarding selection of exempted and non exempted candidates to Ph.D programme; Dated: 6-7-2021
Notice regarding misleading information about BSR fellowships/scholarships to the research scholars; Dated: 6-7-2021
Circular for BSR fellowship; Dated: 14-6-2021
Submission of Hard Copies for Ph.D programme; Dated: 7-6-2021
CSIR HRDG software; Dated: 3-6-2021
Notice regarding submission of hardcopies of Ph. D forms; Dated: 20-5-2021
Circular Regarding Submission of Project Staff Salary Claims"; Dated: 15-5-2021
Virtual Meeting of J&K Fulbright-Nehru and Fulbright-Kalam Postdoctoral Research fellowship Applicants on May 22, 2021 at 1130am to 100pm; Dated: 15-5-2021
Extension in the date of submission of online forms for Ph. D Programme; Dated: 11-5-2021
Admission notification for PhD programme-2021 in various subjects; Dated: 17-4-2021
Notice regarding purchase of scientific equipments, glassware, consumables and other items; Dated: 17-4-2021
Circular for Inclusion of New Services on GeM platform instructions thereof; Dated: 6-4-2021
Entrance test result held on 25/02/2021 for integrated M.Phil and PhD programme; Dated: 24-3-2021
Circular for all Deans of various schools to initiate the process for sanction of UGC scholarship viz BSR and JRF; Dated: 22-3-2021
Extension in the Submission of AICTE PG Scholarship Application"; Dated: 12-3-2021
Circular for submit a copy of final Technical report of the project; Dated: 9-3-2021
Circular for not allow the transaction after closure of financial year on 31/03/2021; Dated: 3-3-2021
Circular for all PIs to submit the bills/ claims by or before 05/03/2021; Dated: 3-3-2021
Circular regarding requisite list of equipment, chemicals , glassware; Dated: 1-3-2021
Circular regarding submission of UCs / SOEs immediately after completion of financial year; Dated: 26-2-2021
Circular regarding PIs to enclose two copies of project proposal; Dated: 26-2-2021
Call for proposals for the Habitats Trust Grants-2021; Dated: 19-2-2021
Entrance Test for Research Programmes in various subjects for non-exempted candidates; Dated: 19-2-2021
"Residency period in case of Direct Ph.D candidates w.e.f 16-04-2018; Dated: 16-2-2021"; Dated: 16-2-2021
Circular for PIs / Coordinators/ Research Fellows for committed expenditure; Dated: 15-2-2021
Notice for acquire a list of requisite Scientific equipments; Dated: 10-2-2021
Notice-IGS: Call for Proposals under Indo-German S&T Centre; Dated: 3-2-2021
Extension of project Duration in Case of Women Scientist Scheme; Dated: 3-2-2021
Forwarding of number of vacant seats for Research Programmes; Dated: 3-2-2021
NIAS-DST Training Program for Women Scientists; Dated: 2-2-2021
Date extended for Applications to National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities; Dated: 2-2-2021
Number of non-exempted vacancies under various departments for entrance test; Dated: 1-2-2021
Notification regarding deposition of entrance fee and conduct of entrance test for Integrated M.Phil & Ph.D non-exempted applicants; Dated: 27-1-2021
Date Extended for Applications to UGC Scholarship schemes; Dated: 22-1-2021
Circular regarding applying for 1st and 2nd extension in case of integrated Ph. D Scholars.; Dated: 22-1-2021
Circular regarding enclosing of synopsis along with thesis to the experts; Dated: 16-1-2021
Circular for Submission of Bills by or before 31/01/2021 , after the last date bills will not be considered for payment/ adjustment; Dated: 1-1-2021
UGC Notification regarding Applications for National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities for 2020-21; Dated: 31-12-2020
UGC Notice regarding Extension of Date for Submission of Thesis for Terminal MPhil/PD students; Dated: 31-12-2020
Special six month extension in view of COVID pandemic; Dated: 31-12-2020
Registration of Faculty on VIDWAN/IRINS/ portals; Dated: 30-12-2020
Notice regarding the disbursal of UGC Fellowship; Dated: 30-12-2020
UGC Notification regarding National Fellowship for Other Backward Classes (NFOBC) for M.Phil/Ph.D.; Dated: 29-12-2020
UGC Notification regarding National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste students (NFSC) for M.Phil/Ph.D; Dated: 29-12-2020
UGC Notification regarding MANF for M.Phil/Ph.D; Dated: 29-12-2020
Public Notice Regarding UGC-NET June 2020 Examination Result; Dated: 29-12-2020
Entrance Test Notice for Clinical Psychology; Dated: 23-12-2020
Circular regarding improvement in publication standards of University Journal; Dated: 12-12-2020
CHECK LIST; Dated: 9-12-2020
Circular regarding compliance of statutes vis-a-vis participation of observers in DRCs and conduct of RPAC; Dated: 8-12-2020
Circular regarding withdrawal of special provision for issuance of Academic clearance.; Dated: 2-12-2020
Call for Applications: IMMANA Fellowships"; Dated: 25-11-2020
Call For Proposals Under SITARE -SRISTI 2020; Dated: 22-11-2020
Call For Proposals Under BIPP 2020; Dated: 22-11-2020
Call For Proposals Under SBIRI-2020; Dated: 22-11-2020
Circular regarding Wages / Salary Bills of Project Staff and DBT mode (UGC); Dated: 21-11-2020
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope at NIT Srinagar; Dated: 20-11-2020
Circular for PIs / Coordinators/ Officials whom advance is pending to clear by or before 30/11/2020; Dated: 19-11-2020
Standing Operations Committee meeting; Dated: 17-11-2020
Research Awareness committee meeting; Dated: 17-11-2020
UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in Life Sciences; Dated: 16-11-2020
Check List for purchase of Equipment; Dated: 11-11-2020
Notice for Interaction session of the PIs from the School of Social Sciences, Law, Open Learning and Business Studies; Dated: 9-11-2020
Letter Regarding the UGC Guidelines for the Reopening of Universities post-coved Pandemic; Dated: 6-11-2020
UGC guidelines for reopening the universities post COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown; Dated: 6-11-2020
Announcement for Workshop on grant writing; Dated: 3-11-2020
Continuance of UGC Schemes Upto 31 March, 2021; Dated: 2-11-2020
Himalayan University Consortium Call for Seminar Application; Dated: 2-11-2020
Working group for Reducing the Risk of the People and Infrastructure to Disasters in J&K and Ladakh region; Dated: 28-10-2020
Working group for Promoting Climate Change Research; Dated: 28-10-2020
notification regarding constitution of extension / awareness sub committee of University Research Council; Dated: 29-10-2020
constitution of standing operations sub-committee of university research council; Dated: 27-10-2020
Working group for Ecological Restoration of the Dal Lake; Dated: 27-10-2020
Postponement of interaction session with P.Is; Dated: 22-10-2020
Hiring of Vehicles on outsource basis; Dated: 19-10-2020
Notice regarding Interactive meeting of the P.Is from their respective school; Dated: 13-10-2020
notification regarding admission for M.Phil course in Clinical Psychology at GMC sgr.; Dated: 7-10-2020
brief advertisement notification for admission to M.Phil course in Clinical Psychology.; Dated: 7-10-2020
Order for relieving for Vice-Chancellors nominee on various purchase / technical and selection committees; Dated: 7-10-2020
Circular for Overhead charges; Dated: 26-9-2020
President Kovind to address Brainstorming Session on NEP-2020 at SKICC on Sunday; Dated: 16-9-2020
Establishment of Centre for advanced insturmentation for research; Dated: 16-9-2020
Circular regarding guidelines for making any purchases related to projects/ schemes; Dated: 15-9-2020
Circular for hiring vehicle for conduct of field work/field survey or any other activity related to projects; Dated: 15-9-2020
New Research Policy; Dated: 11-9-2020
circular for National Fellowship for ST for the selection year 2020-21; Dated: 7-9-2020
Notification regarding Establishment of a Centre for interdisciplinary Research and Innovations (CIRI); Dated: 8-9-2020
Circular regarding Deputation; Dated: 5-9-2020
Circular regarding Deputation; Dated: 5-9-2020
circular regarding providing of Bank Statement of relevant Project account by or before 05/09/2020; Dated: 3-9-2020
Notification regarding promotion of academic intregrity and prevention of plagiarism; Dated: 3-9-2020
Guidelines for Consultancy Projects; Dated: 31-8-2020
Modified Guidelines for the Utilization of Overhead charges; Dated: 31-8-2020
Recognition of Directorate of Physical Education and Sports as Reserach Centre; Dated: 29-8-2020
Finalizing admisssion process; Dated: 29-8-2020
conduct of Practical / Lab Session for UG / PG Courses in the University; Dated: 21-8-2020
notification regarding submission of hard copies for admission to Ph.D/Integrated M.Phil & Ph.D programmes; Dated: 11-8-2020
provide email ID of Research Scholars for smooth functioning of this office; Dated: 10-8-2020
Provide Email Id and mobile no of all Principal Investigators; Dated: 10-8-2020
circular regarding Pre-BORS; Dated: 30-7-2020
Extension in submitting online application for Ph.D / Integrated M.Phil & Ph.D programmes; Dated: 16-7-2020
online Viva-voce; Dated: 16-7-2020
Support the travel of the faculty members for making project presentation of new projects; Dated: 16-7-2020
Organize online webnars; Dated: 16-7-2020
Circular for Overhead/ Institutional charges; Dated: 11-7-2020
circular regarding pending theory examinations of the Integrated PhD students in various Departments; Dated: 4-7-2020
circular regarding invite every faculty member recognized by the University for supervision in the subject irrespective of the place of his posting/working to the DRC meetings; Dated: 4-7-2020
circular regarding Finalizing Admission process; Dated: 4-7-2020
Circular regarding organizing of online Webinars; Dated: 27-6-2020
circular regarding relaxation in conduct and evaluation of practical / lab sessions.; Dated: 27-6-2020
circular regarding some relaxation in light of Pendemic (COVID -19); Dated: 25-6-2020
Circular regarding approval for procurement of equipment by or before 31/07/2020; Dated: 23-6-2020
Notice regarding meeting of research outcomes of societal importance; Dated: 15-6-2020
Notification regarding admission to Research Programmes Ph.D / Integrated M.Phil-Ph.D in various subjects / disciplines; Dated: 11-6-2020
Details of the publications that have been published under the projects; Dated: 11-6-2020
Brief advertisement notice regarding Ph.D and Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D vacancies in various departments / centers; Dated: 11-6-2020
Notice regarding meeting of varios Deans along with Heads of respective Departments to discuss the modalities for conduct, evaluation and assessment of practical / project related courses of MSc programmes; Dated: 1-6-2020
Continuance of UGC schemes beyond 31/03/2020; Dated: 28-5-2020
circular regarding forwarding of Number of Vacancies for research programmes and authorization of list of selected candidates to the office of Dean Research.; Dated: 19-5-2020
Facilitating Academic Research of Research Scholars in the University; Dated: 18-5-2020
strengthening Research culture and Development in the University; Dated: 14-5-2020
Research Facilitation of the Principal Investigators of the Sponsored Research Projects; Dated: 14-5-2020
Special provisions in light of COVID-19-..regarding research; Dated: 6-5-2020
UGC Notification regarding Self-Plagiarism; Dated: 3-5-2020
circular regarding uniform policy for nomination of experts for evaluation of dissertation / thesis; Dated: 18-3-2020
consideration of GATE qualified candidates for Scholarships; Dated: 17-3-2020
Plagiarism check of dissertations in case of Scholars Pursued M.Phil from outside universities; Dated: 17-3-2020
Circular regarding advisory on COVID-19; Dated: 16-3-2020
Extension notification for Ph.D / Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D programme.; Dated: 12-3-2020
Submit all SAP related papers to Coordinator RUSA; Dated: 18-2-2020
Transfer of SAP records; Dated: 14-2-2020
Notification regarding admission to Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D programme. (I); Dated: 4-2-2020
circular preparing UC for the financial year 2019-20; Dated: 4-2-2020
Circular for UGC SAP Guidelines; Dated: 27-1-2020
Circular for goods and services by the Government Departments /PSUs /Aided institutions; Dated: 29-1-2020
National fellowship for persons with Disabilities (NFPwD); Dated: 22-1-2020
Frontier Scholarship; Dated: 13-1-2020
Circular for Association if Indian Universities; Dated: 10-1-2020
Circular for Approved MANF scholar (2018-19); Dated: 8-1-2020
Circular regarding HRA claim; Dated: 8-1-2020
Circular Upgradation of JRF to SRF; Dated: 8-1-2020
Circular regarding expostfacto approval for deputation; Dated: 6-1-2020
Call for Nominations for the Awards of Eminent Engineer; Dated: 4-1-2020
14th JK Science; Dated: 10-12-2019
Apex Committee RUSA; Dated: 30-11-2019
100% coverage of scholarships to all eligible beneficiaries of UT of J&K; Dated: 23-11-2019
Submission of Utilization Certificate and Statement of Expenditure in respect of FIST/SAP; Dated: 4-11-2019
Prime Ministers Research Fellows Programme (PMRF); Dated: 21-10-2019
Notice for BSR Faculty Fellowship; Dated: 21-10-2019
Circular regarding ascertaining of similarity index (S.I) of Thesis / Dissertations; Dated: 12-10-2019
EAT module implementation_UGC; Dated: 1-10-2019
FIST Details; Dated: 30-7-2019
Scholarships from the Arab Republic of Egypt; Dated: 29-7-2019
FIST meeting on 27/07/2019 at 2:30 pm in the Committee Room of VCs Secretarial.; Dated: 25-7-2019
Notification regarding updating of qualifications for reserach programmes in respect of those candidates who have recently qualified JRF / NET; Dated: 25-7-2019
Meeting Notice regarding SPARC; Dated: 24-7-2019
FIST_Meetng Notice; Dated: 24-7-2019
CIRCULAR; Dated: 15-7-2019
Circular regarding organizing of conference / workshop; Dated: 9-7-2019
Lecture delivered by Dr. Sanjeev K Varshney on International S & T Cooperation on 8th July, 2019 at 11:00 am in the EMMRC Auditorium is cancelled; Dated: 6-7-2019
Lecture delivered by Dr. Sanjeec K Varshney on International S & T Cooperation on 8th July, 2019 at 11:00 am in the EMMRC Auditorium; Dated: 4-7-2019
16th Advertisement call-2019 for INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship Scheme; Dated: 2-7-2019
Nurture Modern Indian Scholars; Dated: 1-7-2019
Nurture Modern Indian Scholars; Dated: 1-7-2019
Short advertisement notice for research programmes; Dated: 28-6-2019
Admission notification to Ph.D/Integrated M.Phil & Ph.D Programmes 2019 in remaining subjects; Dated: 28-6-2019
INVITATION-All Research Scholars and other interested are invited to attend the lecture deliverd by the Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice-Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Srinagar; Dated: 27-6-2019
Lecture on "International S & T Cooperation" on 8th July, 2019 at 11:00 am in the EMMRC Auditorium; Dated: 22-6-2019
Circular regarding the application invited for eligible and desirous applicants; Dated: 22-6-2019
Uploading of equipment details procured and installed under various projects on UGC/I-STEM web portal.; Dated: 20-6-2019
Extension in the submission of online application for research programmes; Dated: 19-6-2019
Circular regarding services of Ramanujan, Ramalingaswami and INSPIRE fellows; Dated: 28-5-2019
Circular SAP; Dated: 27-5-2019
Notification regarding invitation of applications for Ph.D and Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D programmes; Dated: 10-5-2019
Seminar Notice; Dated: 8-5-2019
Notice regarding revisitng of guidelines and regulations for consultancy projects; Dated: 3-4-2019
Notice regarding revisitng of guidelines and regulations for consultancy projects; Dated: 3-4-2019
Result notification for M.Phil Clinical Psychology; Dated: 2-4-2019
Circular regarding submission of bill; Dated: 13-3-2019
Notice regard submission of TA/DA bills who have travelled within India or Abroad latest by 13/03/2019; Dated: 11-3-2019
conducting of viva-voce for the candidates who have qualified entrance test for admission to M.Phil course, Clinical Psychology, GMC sgr.; Dated: 9-3-2019
Circular regarding deposit the project completion report; Dated: 18-2-2019
Invitation of applications for Swarnajayanti fellowship; Dated: 15-2-2019
vacancies to be communicated for advertisement; Dated: 14-2-2019
Circular regarding projects; Dated: 19-1-2019
syllabus for M.Phil Entrance test in Clinical Psychology at Govt. Medical College; Dated: 10-1-2019
Implementation of EAT module-regarding; Dated: 24-12-2018
Extension in Date for admission to Ph.D / IM.Phil and Ph.D programmes 2018 in the subjects of Bio-resource and Tourism management; Dated: 18-12-2018
NAAC preparation; Dated: 18-12-2018
Circular regarding open a separate interest earning bank account; Dated: 4-12-2018
Notification for admission to M.Phil programme in Clinical Psychology at Government Medical College Sgr.; Dated: 4-12-2018
Circular regarding State Audit Party; Dated: 3-12-2018
Impactful Policy Research in Social Sciences (IMPRESS); Dated: 3-12-2018
Notice for UGC 12th Plan; Dated: 3-12-2018
Circular regarding State Audit (Principal Investigators); Dated: 30-10-2018
Announcement inviting Science and Technology Project proposals; Dated: 14-9-2018
DST AWSAR; Dated: 2-9-2018
Notification for recently UGC-JRF/NET qualified candidates for applying to M.Phil / Ph.D research programme; Dated: 4-8-2018
USIEF; Dated: 30-7-2018
Workshop on CIPAM at EDI, Pampore; Dated: 27-7-2018
Fellowship for ICSSR; Dated: 27-7-2018
Circular regarding Dean Research Accounting web portal; Dated: 27-7-2018
Notice for meeting of all Research Centres on 31/07/2018; Dated: 27-7-2018
Two days National Workshop on Seismic hazard and crustal deformation studies on August 01-02, 2018; Dated: 27-7-2018
Lecture on Viral Hepatitis at Auditorium, Department of Biotechnology on 27/07/2018 , 10:30 AM; Dated: 25-7-2018
Circular regarding to submit CSIR fellowship claims; Dated: 24-7-2018
Sun Pharma Science Scholar Awards for the year 2018; Dated: 21-7-2018
Ph.D admission notification for SET qualified applicants; Dated: 20-7-2018
Lecture on Data Analysis Techniques through SPSS; Dated: 4-7-2018
Notice regarding Budget Management Software; Dated: 3-7-2018
Extension in the submission of online application form for M.Phil / Ph.D / I-Ph.D programmes; Dated: 26-6-2018
International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Discovery, July 18-20, 2018, Bangalore; Dated: 26-6-2018
Fellowship claim form; Dated: 11-6-2018
Finalize the UCs/SOEs; Dated: 9-6-2018
Advertisement for purely temporary positions of JRF/JPF and Field Assistant available in the research project “Invasive Alien Plants in Himalayas: Status, Ecological impact and Management” funded by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change under its NMHS programme.; Dated: 2-6-2018
Brief advertisement notification for M.Phil / Ph.D / 3 year Integrated Ph.D ( Apply online from 4th of June 2018); Dated: 1-6-2018
Admission to M.Phil, Ph.D and Integrated Ph.D programmes (Apply online from 4th of June 2018); Dated: 31-5-2018
Dean Research Accounting web portal; Dated: 29-5-2018
Power, Functions and Composition of the University Research Council (URC); Dated: 23-5-2018
latest M.Phil - Ph.D / I-Ph.D Statutes; Dated: 17-5-2018
Announcement of Scholarship program by Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,Iraq; Dated: 29-3-2018
Notification regarding M.Phil qualified candidates admitted to I-Ph.D programmes; Dated: 27-3-2018
Notice for all PIs submit the expenditure claims upto 25/03/2018 for closing of current financial year 2017-18; Dated: 8-3-2018
Notice for UGC JRF /SRF regarding pending UGC fellowship claims upto 31/06/2016; Dated: 8-3-2018
Online project Accounting Web portal; Dated: 2-3-2018
Circular Reminder-I; Dated: 2-3-2018
Appointment of Coordinators for SAP of UGC; Dated: 22-2-2018
circular for project information with State / National /International; Dated: 21-2-2018
Deputation / participation of faculty members/research scholars in conferences/seminars/project meetings; Dated: 12-2-2018
Circular regarding admission of JRF / NET / SET to Integrated Ph.D / M.Phil - Ph.D programme.; Dated: 7-2-2018
Circular for Utilization of Overhead charges; Dated: 3-2-2018
Circular one time authorization; Dated: 22-1-2018
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Technology 2018; Dated: 19-1-2018
observations made by the Honble Chancellor during recently held University Council; Dated: 1-1-2018
BORS in Business Studies; Dated: 23-12-2017
Information for PIs; Dated: 22-12-2017
PIs, Coordinators and others to contact/inform Dean Research directly in the event of inordinate delay in the disposal of cases; Dated: 21-12-2017
Submission of bills for release of emoluments in different projects latest by 25th of each month; Dated: 21-12-2017
Latest Notification regarding Departmental Scholarships; Dated: 19-12-2017
Notice: Settlement of Accounts of the completed projects; Dated: 18-12-2017
Colloquium Lecture on 14th of December 2017 at 2.30 pm; venue EMMRC Auditorium, University of Kashmir; Dated: 9-12-2017
International Conference at Foundation and School of Economics, Devi Ahilya University , Indore on 27-28 January, 2018; Dated: 22-11-2017
Meeting with Dean Research on 20/11/2017 at 02:30 p.m.; Dated: 17-11-2017
Meetings of the Boards of Research Studies in Social Science and Markz-i-Noor on 2nd November, 2017.; Dated: 31-10-2017
Meeting of Research Scholars with the Dean Research on 07/11/2017; Dated: 31-10-2017
J&K Bank Application Form; Dated: 30-10-2017
Circular about misplacement of demand draft favouring Ms. Rizwana Rafiq, ICSSR fellow amounting to Rs. 92,000/-; Dated: 23-10-2017
Circular regarding Utilization of sanctioned grant within the stipulated time period; Dated: 14-10-2017
"Childrens Science Exhibition" at Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School, Kothibagh on 11-12 Oct, 2017; Dated: 10-10-2017
Circular regarding expiry of UGC 12th Plan on 30/09/2017; Dated: 10-10-2017
Circular for next cycle of re-accreditation; Dated: 7-10-2017
Board of Research Studies (BORS) in Biological Sciences; Dated: 11-10-2017
International Conference on Bharat Rejuvenation October 15017, 2017; Dated: 4-10-2017
Circular for Project procedures/instructions; Dated: 4-9-2017
Brochure-National Seminar-Biodiversity; Dated: 22-8-2017
Equipment_Specifications_CPEPA; Dated: 18-8-2017
RE-tender-CPEPA; Dated: 18-8-2017
RIRAC SRISTI Appreciation grant 2017; Dated: 11-8-2017
Research opportunities in the USA; Dated: 9-8-2017
Notice for Entrance Test; Dated: 9-8-2017
Entrance Test Fee; Dated: 9-8-2017
Walk in Interview NMHS-CPEPA; Dated: 17-8-2017
Circular for Fee Structure of Scholars; Dated: 27-5-2017
Internet Browsing Time Increased; Dated: 26-5-2017
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